Ansible automation Handson


Handson 1: playbook vi test.yml

type i (insert mode)


  • hosts: all remote_user: ubuntu sudo: yes


    • name: Installs nginx web server

      apt: pkg=nginx state=installed update_cache=true notify:

      - start nginx


    • name: start nginx

      service: name=nginx state=started

      click escape and then type :wq (to write file and quit editor) step:2

      execute playbook:

      ansible-playbook -i myhosts test.yml

      Handson 2: above code replace nginx with apache2 for loops handson Handson 3: when clause:


  • hosts: all remote_user: ubuntu sudo: yes


    • name: Check that the somefile.j2 exists stat:

      path: /somefile.j2 register: stat_result

    • name: Copy the template, if it doesnt exist already template:

src: somefile.j2

dest: /home/ubuntu/somefile.j2 when: stat_result.stat.exists == False

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